Monday, May 12, 2014

Relationship Issues

Relationship issues: is when two partners are going through some issues in their relationship. .... video is explaining on how relationships problems start and how/ why they are caused.

The average life span of a live-in relationship is three years.
  • 55% of wives and 70% of husbands who admitted being unfaithful reported that their spouses did not know of the affair.
  • 50% of all first marriages, 70% of second marriages, 90% of subsequent marriages will end up in divorce.
  • Even in happy marriages, more than 80% of the time, it is the wife who raises marital issues while the husband tries to avoid discussing them.
  • Only 10% of people who leave marriages end up marrying the person with whom they had an affair.
  • In an argument when your heart rate goes over 100 beats a minute, you are incapable of hearing what your partner is trying to tell you

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